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Make it green!
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1st Regional Hub for Green Healthcare 1. regionalni
think tank za zeleno zdravstvo

Zelene tehnologije i zdravstvene inovacije
Green technologies and health innovations

Odgovornost prema okolišu
Zdravstveni management
i "zelena" javna nabava
Healthcare management and "green" public procurement
Zelena transformacija
zdravstvenih ustanova
Green transformation
of healthcare facilities

Green Health Hub // HRV

Prijavite se na prvi Green Healthcare Management Bootcamp u organizaciji Health Hub-a, kojim želimo zdravstveni menadžment na svim razinama (top i middle management) uvesti u svijet zelene tranzicije zdravstvenih ustanova, dati im konkretne primjere i preporuke kako osmisliti i napisati zelene projekte za svoje zdravstvene ustanove (domove zdravlja, bolnice, ljekarničke ustanove, specijalne bolnice, javnozdravstvene zavode, lječilišta itd.), pružiti smjernice o dostupnosti i povlačenju europskih fondova ali i nacionalnih bespovratnih sredstava, predstaviti iskustva ravnatelja i vodstva zdravstvenih ustanova koje su povukle preko 130 milijuna eura za zelenu tranziciju, te uz nacionalne stručnjake i međunarodne goste čuti najbolje tips & tricks za

Health Hub kao jedinstveni policy think tank za zdravstvo u regiji, i ove je godine organizirao tradicionalni Trend Report Brunch uz networking dionika zdravstvenog ekosustava i ambasadora zdravog života, kako bi se predstavile inovacije i trendovi u zdravstvu i skrbi o zdravlju. Sudjelujući na European Health Forumu u Gasteinu, te prateći sve globalne trendove sa Svjetskog gospodarskog foruma (Davos Agenda 2024), objavljena godišnja izvješća McKinsey-a, PwC-a, Deloittea i publikacije najrelevantnijih svjetskih think tank platformi za zdravstvo, Health Hub i partneri predstavili su hrvatskom zdravstvenom ekosustavu one trendove, inicijative i vizije koje će zasigurno obilježiti ovu godinu ili im treba dati

ovodom nadolazeće konferencije "FUTURE IS NOW -  AI & Green disruption", razgovarali sa Mladenom Kovačekom koji je zdravstvenoj javnosti poznat po organizaciji konferencija o digitalizaciji medicine FUTURE IS NOW u Hrvatskoj te ostalim zemljama srednje Europe Češkoj, Slovačkoj i Mađarskoj te Srbiji

Zeleni trend (eco-friendly) polako ali sigurno zauzima središnje mjesto i u uređenju interjiera. Održivost u dizajnu interijera omogućuje vlasnicima da smanje svoj ekološki „footprint“ a da pritom i dalje integriraju suvremene elemente dizajna

Što trebamo učiniti kako bismo transformirali zdravstvo da promišlja „zeleno i održivo“ te ublažili negativan utjecaj zdravstvenog sustava na okoliš?-  jedno je od globalnih pitanja s kojim se Hrvatska kao regionalni lider odlučila pravovremeno suočiti, inicirajući kroz think tank Health Hub okupljanje europskih stručnjaka na području „zelenog zdravstva“. Green Healthcare Policy Summit se održao hibridno, podržavajući inicijative Europske komisije (Green Deal, Next Generation EU i European Health Union), sa željom da se zdravstvene ustanove u CEE regiji osvijeste o "brojnim prilikama za europskim financiranjem koje se nude za projekte sa zelenom, održivom i digitalnom filozofijom"

Green Health Hub // ENG

The goal of World Bank's flagship report „Digital-In-Health: Unlocking the Value for Everyone“ is to provide governments and other stakeholders with practical guidance on where to start, regardless of a country’s digital maturity or fiscal challenges. The World Bank remains ready to assist countries everywhere in reaching their full potential in the use of digital technologies to protect and accelerate the growth of human capital. Health Hub, as a think tank, would like to give a heads-up on visionary observations and recommendations from this Report, this time related to digital-in-climate and health as a follow up of our Green Healthcare Policy

Inspired by his ongoing commitment to be an advocate of "Care Means the World" mission, and as a Zone Leader for Central and Eastern Europe in Philips, we invited Mr. Jens-Jakob Gustmann to give an overview of green healthcare concept as one of the most important healthcare trends, not only in 2024., but so! beyond, for generations to come

The concept of green and sustainable healthcare was discussed, along with hospitals and healthcare management that adopts the philosophy of green medical technologies, devices and green public procurement. What do we need to do to transform health to think "green and sustainable" and mitigate the negative impact of the health system on the environment? – is one of the global trend issues that Croatia needs to adopt first, which Miroslav Šaban, Business to Government and Government and Public Affairs Leader Zone CEE / Europe from Philips, spoke about in a visionary way at the Trend Report Brunch. 

EFPIA is publishing a White Paper outlining how our member companies are already actively engaged in groundbreaking and ambitious projects –on site and along value chains, to rise to the challenges posed by the climate crisis

During Green Healthcare Policy Summit (CEE) we had the opportunity to listen a presentation from Miroslav Šaban (Head of Government and Public Affairs, Zone Central & Eastern Europe, Philips Europe Region) on how they adopted ambitious new goals to mitigate climate change and leave a healthier planet for future generations through the responsible use of energy and materials in healthcare sector. Miroslav Šaban gave an interview for Health Hub Global Policy Network

hat do we need to do in order to transform healthcare to think "green and sustainable" and mitigate the negative impact of the healthcare system on the environment? - is one of the global issues that Croatia, as a regional leader, has decided to face in a timely manner, initiating through the think tank Health Hub a gathering of European experts on in the field of "green healthcare". The summit was held hybridly, supporting the initiatives of the European Commission (Green Deal, Next Generation EU and European Health Union), with the aim to make healthcare institutions in the CEE region

Health Policy Radar // Green Healthcare

1st Green Healthcare Policy Summit (CEE) // Full Recording